Thursday, July 4, 2024

2023-2024 - Tucson - to Portugal - to Dallas - to the Amazon Jungle - and finally to Albuquerque. Hard to believe all that in only one year.

 I used to love Tucson. It is such a beautiful (but hot as hell's hell) nature in paradise. When I first went there it was for a Thanksgiving to Christmas visit in the desert. All of my journeys have started with someone on the other end of the ticket. I moved there in 2008 after coming back from running away to Campinas, Sao Paulo Brazil. I had given up on Dallas and got another invite down to Sao Paulo with a Spanish speaking family who admitted they loved art and they loved the art especially from Bajito Onda. Because of the history and the story behind it and all the lives around the world and the clothing line was just coming out from Changes of NY and Changes kept sending me dozens of press proofs of each of the 6 designs for my approval. I can't lie - I felt very important, lol having all that love poured into my little Bajito Onda and all the art that I had amassed up to that time and it was still coming in from all over the US Prisons, mainly from TDCJ Texas Prison System.

I was so happy because finally at last prisoners from behind the walls and fences and bars locked away for decades due to their crimes, which I made a point to never discuss with them because the prison mail room and observation always reads everything and scopes out the outgoing art for whatever reason. Sometimes that art never makes it out at all. Hmmmmm, wonder why?

So long story short because I have this PTSD / ADHD / ADD and just plain get distracted by everything so after going to Tucson way back when, and learning about 'street music, street dancing, bar music jams, hippies and weed smoking parties called 'potlucks' and fire dances, and just outdoor, fire pit, hang outs with very strange people, I kept trying to fit in but coming from East Dallas, I was never going to fit in with that scene in Tucson the high and hot desert.

Somehow I just kept going to their jams, and clubs they would all play at with sometimes only 3 people in the whole place. They didn't care tho they just loved playing together. 

One day a guy handed me a big drum and he put a strap over my head and hung it on me and told me to sit down and join in the drum circle. Wow! I was embarrassed to death and he couldn't understand why. i said well where i come from you don't just walk up to a group of people and sit down with them and play a drum. 

None of that would happen. I had been going to a therapist, first time in my life ever to do that either, and as someone in Tucson told me several times... Tucson is a Sacred Land, if you allow it to enter your soul you will be changed forever for the best. I thought - well that's weird, but sounds like exactly what I needed. 

Next thing you know I was following a group of them to yoga classes at the Y - had my butt up in the air and doing the Dog pose or something they told me to do and all kinds of stretches and poses and breathing and such. Man, I thought if anybody in Dallas caught wind of me doing Yoga they would laugh me out of town for sure. 

Next thing happened to me was I followed some other hippie sacred quartz and rock collecting happy weed smoking souls to a thing they all went to every week but they never invited me, it was called Global Chant. One week I told a lady called Chrystal Rose (RIP) she was so sweet she used to come see me every week right before she would take off and go to her chanting group which I had no idea what that meant. Everything in Tucson was so strange to me from East Dallas, street life hood goings on. I just kept remembering what they all told me to 'believe sacred things would come to me and change me forever'.

So one day I told Chrystal Rose, not to leave me behind when she went to Global Chant. I said, can you take me with you this time. She said, are you sure you want to go, its a little different than the way I know you are. She was a drummer also, and wherever she went she took her drum she called a djembe, like a fancy African leather topped wooden drum.

The funny thing was the first time I ever saw some of the little drums in an artist woman's house, she was a hippie deluxe, she had like five of these drums sitting around in her living room in a little sacred circle. Everything about Tucson I think was sacred the way everyone treated all their actions and motives. She even had a little altar and big tattoos of Goddess deities of women all around her body. I thought it was excessive, but I was driving a fully wrapped prison art Firebird that in itself looked like a one car parade.

So what did I do when I saw her little drums, I went over and sat on one of them! My God I thought she was going to pass out.  She screamed for me to get up GET UP!! and I was like 'Why?' what's wrong? She said, You can't sit on that! Get Up. 

I jumped up and told her 'I thought they were like little Turkish stools to sit on'. She thought I was making light but i was serious. Damn!

Well she didn't much like me anymore after that so I figured I'd try to make friends another way, and that's when Crystal Rose came around into my life. She was much calmer and realized I didn't know anything about this new world I had moved to. So she helped me.

When she took me to Global Chant, she sat me down in a bench and she went over to the 'drumming area with other djembe drummers'.  She looked like she was leaving earth when she was playing her drum. She looked like an Angel she was feeling it so deeply in her own world.

Of course I was looking at all the people coming in and even sitting around me, they knew I didn't belong there but they were kind and sweet and they smiled at me and welcomed me. I also knew I didn't belong there and I thought, 'Man these people look so funny they have nothing in common with me at all. But they were so sweet and welcoming I couldn't bring myself to judge anyone. One step of the sacredness seemed to be working on me.

I also had been going to therapy at La Frontera social services who also were taking care of me so to speak. I was really a fish out of water and I was used to judging people and being judged by whatever means is handy. I spent like a whole year in therapy every week with an amazing girl getting her PhD named Autumn Wiley. She gave up on me nearly every week, and so did I. I just didn't get therapy, I'd never had so many good things happen to me in my whole life. It was all so new and foreign to me. After a year or so Autumn told me it was out last session, I almost died. I thought, Oh My God, what am I doing to do every Thursday at 11? I'll be so sad, so lost. I was crushed beyond crushed. I never wanted therapy to end and I had gotten so used to going and anticipating each little change for my awakening of my inner feelings and life damage being cleansed, I just never wanted that to end.

Autumn felt the same way she said, 'She threw herself down on the floor I swear to God and she rolled all over the floor, she was crying! She said 'You finally did it' and we have no more sessions left because I graduate next week!  She knew we were coming to an end but she never let me know. She just kept letting me talk myself into a hole each week as she sat there and watched me. She actually said very little. I said a lot as usual, but I never new how to really process pain and feelings in my life. I was always the one who listened to others with tragic lives and they always said I was made of steel. And I said 'No, I'm not' I just don't know how to 'feel anything'. It was true.

So when I saw Autumn rolling around on the floor crying, it really touched me deeply. She said, 'You finally get it' 'You can do it' - She had told me to open my mind to things I used to judge and shut off from me - She said those are the things you need to go do, experience, learn from them, and they will make you whole where you are numb.

She was so right. I became a faithful chanter week after week, chants were not religious, they were just clips of singsongs from other cultures, languages and peoples all over the world. At first they sounded unintelligible, I had no idea what they meant and then I thought, I don't need to know what they mean, I just need to chant along with the other hundred people or so. Om namo guru dev namo, is one that sticks with me to this day and its been ten years I started going. So many more its unbelievable, a whole hour of chanting became another feel good feeling that did waken my numbness and made me feel something beautiful. 

Tucson became a beautiful place in the sun for me. Never a rainy day, always sun. But after seven or so years in the high desert I then called home, things began to change. The hippies became displaced with college students, high rise apartments downtown where we used to drum and chant. We used to walk around downtown on 4th Ave and sit around and visit because we knew so many people. It was a small town in the desert but big enough to have the basic big city things.

Slowly, but fastly the homeless started arriving, stores were broken into and soon closing, crime went up and nothing was done about it. Violence like I tried to leave behind in Dallas started happening all over the place. My sacred-ness feeling was washing away. No more potluck parties, no more drumming, or chanting, or therapy. I was crushed.

Life had been good there, but I became afraid of the dark what if's and said to all around me. I'm leaving. I'm gone. It was wonderful, but I'm gone.

I literally had gotten up to a 4,500 s.f. double warehouse in an industrial park. Had been there for over ten years. Had $150,000 worth of incredible machines, personal items, beautiful treasures and supplies and teaching materials and so many memories, but I had a meltdown and could not take it another second. Threats were coming closer and closer for us to move and let the place and all in it go to whoever the threats were coming from. Drugs were everywhere, fentanyl, meth, tranq, crime and horrible border things going on. I said, 'Its time to strip clean and start again somewhere else', not even knowing where that would be.

I ran back to the only place I'd ever really known, Dallas. What a mistake. I said, after six months, I'm feeling the same pangs of insecurity I felt when I left for Tucson, that fear and haunting emptiness was back in my face again. I could feel it in the people all around me. They felt it but they didn't leave Dallas. 

I felt it and I said, hell no. After 7 months of trying to beat the rat race and the stress of it all once again, I said 'its time to get the hell out of Dallas.

Where did I head for? Brazil again, but this time not to Sao Paulo but to Manaus, the capital of the Amazon Rain Forest. In the middle of the jungle, sounds crazy and I think I was driven crazy by all the stress of my Tucson melting out from under me, and trying to find a place I could call home. Manaus is 2,400 miles from any other city on the planet. It is known as the most isolated city on earth. The barrio that offered me a small bed to lay down and try to shake off all the bad energy the I was feeling was 'the City of God' of the Amazon, like the one in Rio. The same lawlessness, wildness, never a quiet or still moment. Motorbikes, trucks, busses, kids screaming, drunks screaming, mosquitos eating me alive as they do everyone, the fear of getting unlucky and getting dengue fever called by its street name, 'Bone Break Fever' because your bones feel like they are breaking inside of your skin. If you survive it lasts for two weeks of diarrhea and vomiting, high fever and horrible pain rendering immobility. Since there is hardly a bathroom, hardly a shower, hardly a kitchen and hardly a puff from an air conditioner, its a miserable existence for one person to have it let alone multiples in the household, behind the bars protecting the insiders from the invasive outsiders of all kinds trying to invade or worse on an hour by hour attempts. Thank God for the heavier than jail bars and gates to protect us healthy or sick. Oh the heat, and the mosquito repellant covering everything in sight, head to toe, clothes and bedding, arms, legs, feet and even socks trying to keep the bites down which is impossible. 

I thought mosquitos were big ole things.. they aren't. they are tiny little things, and to make them worse, they're transparent. They travel in packs attacking any area of skin they can latch onto.  They call me 'sangue doce' - sweet blood in Portuguese. Now I speak it fluently. Hard to believe three languages now.

They put me up on a bed in the corner of a room with my computer next to me. I slept for two weeks. They fed me what I needed. Just the barrio basics, no vending machines, no 7-11 no Wendy's, or MacDonald's, none of that. I woulda killed for a damn frito I swear but they don't exist in the jungle. It can take six hours just to go to a store there. Insane what we have in USA and all people do is whine about what they don't have. They ought to see what people don't have for once and they would never whine again. I hate that shit. 

Lay there in your sweat, eaten by mosquitos, starving for just anything vaguely familiar, cold showers, centipedes racing up out of the shower drain open hole, bats flying in the open window holes because there are no glass windows, just shutters. And the noises on the roof all night, baby jaguars, snakes and spiders are no joke either. Finally I just gave up trying to be careful and just slept as much as I could. I was exhausted and finally felt like my life had stopped spinning being back in Brazil.

After several months, we decided to try to leave the jungle and come back to the USA. 

Only two solid friends said 'come on, we'll help you get rolling again.' 

Those friends are solid, stand ups and they know that if I and we can just regain our center of life once again after all the times trying, we will do amazing things for Albuquerque, NM.

I have to say I've never even been here exept one time to just drive through and have dinner with one of my friends, known as The Candy Lady of Old Town, she is part of the Breaking Bad Series and makes the blue meth candy for the shows if its needed.

For the past several years I've been making the Shirts, aprons, caps, stickers and signage for Breaking Bad for her to sell in her Store, The Candy Lady.

She's a one of a kind but she has a heart of gold and so does our other friend Roy.

They have really stepped up to the plate and helped us get our footing.

What an incredible town ABQ is and I thought it wasn't going to be so wonderful 

But here we are going to dedicate to working with local causes to help the young people and others alike to build websites and to give back to the Navaho reservation to help 14,000 homes to have electricity, an unbelievable for today's day and age.

So Join me, us friends and please visit our website


Many Blessings Friends,

Del Hendrixson aka Bajito Onda Global.

Albuquerque feels like home!

Really enjoyed 4th of July tonight and all the fireworks!


Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Today the sun is just rising in the jungle. I've been here a month or so and still haven't heard a gunshot, or an ambulance (they seem to go together in the USA) and I haven't seen a police or a mailman oddly enough. I'm living for the time being in the barrio called appropriately The City of God like the huge favela in Rio - Its run by you know what type of people is why there's no need for cops here. 

The motorcycles haven't started their morning roaring by the hundreds, then the drunks wake up and begin their busy day. And soon the dogs will all be barking and having their morning get togethers as does everyone here. 

I'm tall and white so there's not much for me to visit with around here except for my wife. We live our life mainly within four walls, have our morning coffee and our daily eggs and french bread. Basic Basic, life here doesn't afford the fancy restaurants and muffins and bagels and such. Probably, I'm sure is why I've lost 20 lbs of unneeded fat since I've been here.

My knee is feeling better, I'm looking better than ever, lol and my Portuguese is now sounding like I really have no need for English anymore, except yes I came here on a Bajito Onda mission trip to set up a formal / informal style of learning center for the Indian children and the adults wanting mainly just to 'hear' American English. 

The two languages are so entirely different I love it. After ten years of marriage I've finally learned how to behave for the most part and I've learned Portuguese for the most part as well.

Funny about living on the equator exactly - the sun comes up at 6am and it sets every day at 6pm - light to dark - people wake up at 5 and get ready and they are in bed by 7. 

The kids everywhere screaming and playing in the streets and on the sidewalks, crying like they are dying but they really aren't. No bicycles here, no soccer balls, no toys, no cell phones in every kid's hands.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


In 2006 I signed a licensing agreement with Changes of NY. After careful consideration of the BAJITO ONDA BRAND they wanted the license to produce urban style ultra fancy oversized shirts equal to if not more supurb than even Scarface himself. The line was created and sold well enough to establish our name in the urban market. The incredible shirts can be seen at - at present we are changing the artworks to reflect our incredible art spanse.  The fabulous huge prints produced by Changes, Will Thompson and Marek working to make it the line we all know it is.....worked with many of the arts we sent them produced by the World Famous Boog right here of Dallas created the now even more famous Crying Charra, the Boog Tattoo Style Neck Bajito Onda Script and the famouns Smile now Cry Later filled BO design super popular in black and silver and white and black, Lil Chris created the art for the 'Jesus and the Angel wings cross' shirt.  Changes made it so huge it fills the back entirely.  The Tony Cantu mural Aztec art is another fabulous design the way Changes printed it on Black as well as white. Not to be outdone by any of that the now famous BO Crown of the City created by Soutchay aka Chosen of Dallas also is another hit! 

Thursday, November 9, 2023




In 1982 I was sentenced to three years in federal prison for making counterfeit birth certificates for undocumented persons so they could work legally, and their children attend school in the U.S. The Feds said they wished they could hire me because my counterfeit skills were some of the best they’d ever seen, instead they said, ‘Sorry, but we have to arrest you.’

After being locked down with people who had committed horrendous crimes, I realized what I did was legally wrong, but surely prison didn’t have to be the only solution.

I entered prison as a basically nice and funny person and released a year later as an awkward member of the ranks of the societally shunned and permanently disgraced.

My prison record made it so I could no longer work unless I lied about becoming #12605-077. Prison was a horrible experience, but life after became much worse. I left prison with my final monthly paycheck of $7.00 (16 cents an hour). My job was to unload semi-trailers with my bare hands. I was shocked to see the food boxes eight years out of date, thrown inside, donated to feed us inmates, smashed open with forklift tire tracks.

I just needed to work when I was released, but with a prison record I sadly was faced with the unfamiliar struggle also of making it back into society’s so-called ‘good graces.’ I had no choice but to try to work for myself and train others like me to help, thus sharing the knowledge I had received.

I was so ashamed and made a vow right then never to be broke ever again. No more $7 paychecks, no matter what it took to make it legally. But no doors ever opened for me for employment. All I heard was, “We’ll get back with you.” But after hearing I had been in prison, they never did. I decided it was up to me to create my own stability.

A friend told me if I could design him a logo, he’d let me print his T-shirts. An industry leader, Don Hazard became my Angel mentor and taught me everything he could about screen printing. As manager of a huge equipment company in Dallas, he only knew me for a couple of hours, but after hearing my story, he wanted to ‘give back’ by ‘loanating’ me thousands of dollars of equipment. The best part was, he agreed to let me pay him back with income from actual jobs he would teach me to print. His kindness and my hard work paid off everything in a few months. Learning from a Master taught me tricks of the trade that no school ever could. In 1984 there were no schools or in this miraculous ‘fast money’ field. I was fascinated with the challenges and never ending opportunities that outweighed any job I’d ever heard of. Once, in four hours flat and a material cost of $300 I printed my first large signage job manually on a $40 table and made a clear profit of $2500! I decided right that second to be a printer forever, and I have been. When I was released from prison my only transportation was a motorcycle I had before I went in. Soon I was at least able to buy an old $400 Ford, and my client list grew enormously partly because I was humble to drive around in it.  My hands and clothes always had ink on them. They loved that! To them it meant I worked for them and it earned their respect, which translated to every year doubling in sales from $22,000 till I said ‘enough business already!’ I wanted to give back what was given to me.

I wanted my client’s projects to create training opportunities for others, like Don did for me. I decided to form a non-profit 501c3 Tax Exempt charity instead of a ‘for profit.’ People said I was crazy but I wanted to keep the doors open without begging for donations or writing continual grant requests from major funders who showed little interest in helping broken lives of people living “in the trenches.” In October 1994, I officially received the 501c3 Charitable status. It has been recognized all this time as Bajito Onda Community Development Foundation.  Many years later, out of the desire to reach behind prison walls and teach job skills to pre-release inmates, the program Prisoners for Progress was founded. We produced window signage for many prison office doors such as the warden, chaplain, education department, stock room, etc.  My focus has always been to reach out to the excluded and oppressed members of society in order to mentor them in a creative, peaceful, all-inclusive environment. A hands-on therapeutic life skills printing school to teach ex-prisoners, homeless, veterans, victims of abuse, physically or mentally challenged, literacy and language challenged, youth at risk, survivors of society, socially marginalized persons the skills of ‘old school, yet ‘master level’ graphics and production.

Bajito Onda was the recipient of the Texas Governor’s Award for outstanding leadership. A four time United Nations Presenter and many other awards.

After twenty years I, myself achieved “Master Screen Print Educator” with quite a professional following. It was a win, win, win. The more we worked, the more programs we developed and more ‘fallen lives could be lifted up, dusted off and empowered.

My knack for designing logos and printing special projects for the most difficult-to-please clients has honed my marketing skills. The attention to detail, and ease which I could anticipate a client’s needs, allowed me to grow from the humble beginning in a 10x20 foot portable building in my backyard in 1984 to a ten thousand square foot luxury industrial space in East Dallas.

I became an expert in screening as well as digital, offset, and direct to garment. Prisoners began donating art for the Bajito Onda Prison art licensed Trademarked fashions. Urban Edgy Fashion Design and Apparel Printing, and was made possible through the donation of a state-of-the-art, high speed, eight color, ultra-precise M&R Sportsman. My humble dreams came true. I truly have ‘walked the vision.’

With the help of thousands of people on court-ordered community service over the years, my print shop training center has been able to mentor people from all walks of life at no salary expense to Bajito Onda Foundation and provided a great service for Spanish-speaking individuals lacking English skills as well as work skills. Their life choices and experiences, like my own, allowed us to function as a team of “productive misfits” capable of creating incredible graphics for major corporations who would not hire us as an employee otherwise.

However, after decades of transforming lives with histories resembling my own, the burden of it all finally got to me and caused me to suffer a major mental breakdown in Texas.

The continual loss of so many lives and futures by violence and returns to prison in Dallas took such a huge toll on me because I could no longer personally mentor all the fallen lives being sent to me by other agencies with no outside major funding. I had created a very successful hands-on ‘highly therapeutic’ re-integration program based on inclusion and skills training.

A dear board member of Bajito Onda suggested I leave Dallas and get out while I still had my life and some sanity. I had never thought of abandoning my ‘Calling’ or even taking a break from it, but it made sense for me to save myself so I could replicate Bajito Onda elsewhere.

After careful consideration, the Dallas-Ft Worth original chapter became history and a big milestone when I walked out and closed the doors to that chapter. That was 2008.

After an invitation to Tucson Christmas that year for the holidays I found myself coming right back out here on heading away from Dallas to what seemed like my personal salvation. That week’s visit turned into a permanent move within the month.

Tucson, would become my new global base of training programs so well known in Dallas. The lives I would mentor in the desert would be Native Americans from the many reservations, immigrants and refugees, homeless, veterans, ex-prisoners, people serving court ordered community service for DUI, theft, traffic violations, etc. I just needed a fresh audience of clients to match my training skills.

I soon met a glassblower who asked if I could create logos for glass artists and he told me if I could, it could be my new future and a major funding.

I was immediately down for it but I quickly realized I knew nothing about glass blowing, glass, COE, or millimeters. I knew literally a BIG NOTHING! But it did make perfect sense to me that if there are thousands of glass artists in the US alone who didn’t have branding, then there could be truth in what he was saying. He certainly was desperate to get logos that didn’t rub off like he frustratedly showed me. He pointed to a whole shelf of misfired glass with his logos partially rubbed off. Thousands of dollars in glass and labor, down the drain. “It’s way too common,” he said.

I put myself in the place of glass blowers seeking fail-proof water slide logos. I detested the thought of so much new research and development to ever get it under my belt after all those years of conquering other forms of printing, but at the same time it was just what I needed to challenge a fresh me and a special printing niche to be able to train persons here in Tucson.

I quickly found it to be impossible to accomplish and I gave up hundreds of head shaking times! No matter what I did with the powders or inks they too rubbed right off. However, I’m stubborn and refused to accept failure! I had to develop only the best for my new audience! Glass inks were not common like t-shirt or signage inks to my expertise. But my curiosity and the love to support Bajito Onda, always made me get right back after it. I tried to learn from other artists but they spoke in glass lingo. It drove me crazy. However, there was one thing they all had in common. They all needed a design, or an original logo, and I was glad to do it for them if they would only let me make their decals.

My entire life I wanted to be a graphic designer without ever attending college or formal training. The ‘need to succeed’ was what has always drive me. With an easy understanding of creating complete themes of logos, signage, fashion, stickers, decals, product and typesetting to combine any desired impact for my client’s audience. Nothing had ever stopped me before with the wisdom of my mentor, Don Hazard. But now, he had passed away and I was on my own in a strange place, with a massive but creatively endless market. I soon found out there were thousands of glass artists as well as scientific blowers that all had the need as well as the funds for quality water slide logos, branding and markings.

Glass… however situated me into a place I’d never experienced in all my decades of printing. I definitely saw where I could fit in, if I could ever master all the new terminologies, processes and science that came along with it.

I was used to printing a garment or a sign, where I could see the finished product right then. With printing for glass transfers I had no idea about firing them after printing. I didn’t even have a kiln for over a year. Then I realized, ‘I need a kiln to test them so I could see how they were being used.’ Printing beautiful logos just wasn’t enough. However, I really appreciated it when I received input, such as they didn’t like the cover coat because it was yellow or too thin. Their feedback frustrated me to no end. But I appreciated it and with each one, I immediately sought a better solution. After two long years of costly trial and error the complaints eventually turned into compliments.

I was reminded often about the few other printers who had fifty years’ experience. But one day someone called and said they had been referred to the ‘other decal printer’. I thought, ‘well at least somebody knows I’m out here.’ And that was the beginning!

Glassblowers, are amazing artists of another incredible dimension, no one else seemed to have the patience and expertise to work their ideas into logos, graphics or signatures, etc.  There was very little artist branding back then.

'A light bulb went off, and I thought, since I love taking client ideas and making logos ‘Well then, I’ll be the Artist to the Artists in my new glass industry career’. After all, my end product, was a piece of water slide paper with designer color logos or designs intricately printed on them. I called that step ‘the magic moment’ when my work of art fused permanently into the artist’s glass work of art.

  • Belen Ortiz, Glass artist / @roothound_glass
  • John Williams, Functional Glass Artist / @williams_glass 360-259-7875
  • Robert Mickelsen / Glass Artist
  • Sagan / Mars Curiosity Rover, Functional Glass

Thursday, March 5, 2009


2007 I signed a licensing deal with the mighty Bioworld in order to produce the licensed headwear of the great work of team Bioworld Jennifer Staley and Dave Valcourt as well as many other project members. Together we developed Fedoras that are to die for! Baseball cap that matches some of the Aztec art in one of the Cantu mural pieces, three fabulous flat bills, one of the artists is Maxx242 out of San Diego who created some of the designs for the Changes shirts and who works with Famous Stars and Straps, Tribal, etc. making our headwear some of the finest in the world and up there with the other licensed brands such as Playboy, Orange County Choppers, UFC, Tapout, Rolling Stones, Cyprus Hill, Coca Cola, Miami Ink, LA Ink, etc.  We just have to launch the line in order to get it 'out there for our thousands of fans, followers, movement members' etc. to purchase.  Bioworld will release the line as soon as our 'street level fashion line is moving into stores nationwide' that is when they will drop the line down from the heavens and get it into everybody's hands across America.